Saturday, July 29, 2017

Russell Street School: Epitome of Digital Presence

After looking through the Russell Street School's website, I was impressed with the strong digital presence of the school. The school itself has its own page with general information, but each individual classroom has their own page as well. These individual pages have posts created by the teacher and each page has its own 'feel'.

  • Some are updated frequently with videos and images while others are updated infrequently. 
  • Some tag specific students while others just tag everyone. 
  • Some show students while other show student work. 
Overall, I love the openness of the school and the individuality of the classrooms. It's a fantastic way to communicate with students' families as well as the rest of the world. It's a nice alternative to ClassDojo messaging or Remind, but those also have the added benefit of addressing parent one-on-one.

As I looked through these classrooms, I couldn't help but think about how this could be applied to a high school. From my perspective, I feel that older students should have more control over what is being shared since many of them are already sharing content online. In my classroom, students have blogs that they update a few times a week and I encourage them to update their Professional Sites, Google Sites designed by students to display their work. Yet, this does not seem as effective or as public compared to what Russell Street School is doing. I definitely need to start considering ways to make my students' learning more public for the world.

Thank you for the inspiration, Russell Street School!

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