Friday, July 28, 2017

Impressions of RSS

I found the use of blogging at the Russell Street School to be both appealing informative. The use of class blogs is an excellent way for both students and parents to be caught up on what has gone in in class that day. Utilizing blogging as a student-based activity gives them both ownership and acknowledgement of their work. I know many teachers that use a class blog and find tremendous success with it. I think presenting school information as a blog allows for parents to be more up-to-date on information the school has to share.

I have considered beginning a classroom blog for this coming school year, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for the first portion of the year. I think I feel most comfortable trying a classroom blog will be my forensics class. Recently, I have learned more about incorporating more student choice based off of Gardner's Multiple Intelligences. Teachers in my district have had success with its implementation, so I am thinking of using the the blog for verbal/linguistic choices.

Overall, I'm very impressed with the RSS blog, and I consider it an exemplar as to what a school or classroom blog should be like. It should be both informative for the students and the parents, and it has the potential to supplement a variety of lessons in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I was also very impressed with their level of blogging. I think your idea is a great with trying to use a blog as a way for the verbal and linguistic learners to showcase their knowledge. What grade do you teach? I have been thinking about posting a writing prompt on Mondays on my blog and having my students reply to it on the comments by Friday to showcase some of their writing abilities in math class!
